Friday, August 04, 2017

DBCA fails to create RAC database over 12.2 GI/ASM

When creating RAC CDB on newly created GI/ASM by using DBCA, the database creation failed with errors ORA-19504/.ORA-17502

By checking Oracle metalink, it is an Oracle bug (#21626377)  - RDBMS instance fails to identify the required disks to mount a disk group if compatible.asm of the diskgroup is higher than version of the software.

You can refer to the metalink note (Doc ID 21626377.8) for details. There are 2 ways to fix the issue:

1. Apply the BP (or later BPs) - (Jul 2017) Database Patch Set Update (DB PSU) - on Oracle RDBMS home, so DBCA can create database using the ASM diskgroup with compatible.asm set to 12.2.
2. Workaround 
- Create an ASM diskgroup with compatible.asm set to 12.1 and then try to create the 12.1 database.

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